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Results from recent ASME J. of Mechanisms and Robotics paper: The paper title is: Modeling and Analysis of a Soft Endoluminal Inchworm Robot Propelled by a Rotating Magnetic Dipole Field, by Jake A. Steiner, Lan N. Pham, Jake J. Abbott and Kam K. Leang.
Quadcopter doing a flip: video shows a quadcopter doing a flip using a combination of open-loop feedforward and feedback control. Work done by graduate student Xiang He.
Wireless power transfer for micro aerial vehicles: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) paper entitled, “Design, Modeling, and Analysis of Inductive Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transfer for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)” by Gregory M. Plaizier, Erik Andersen, Binh Truong, Xiang He, Shad Roundy and Kam K. Leang, published in 2018 ICRA.
Autonomous flying chemical analyzer: Summary of recently developed autonomous flying chemical analyzer. Research funded by U.S. Army in collaboration with Nevada NanoTech Systems, Inc.
3D-printed IPMC soft crawling robot: This video shows the first 3D-printed IPMC soft crawling robot! This work was recently accepted to the 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Dynamic Underactuated Flying-Walking (DUCK) Robot: This video made the final cut of 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Video Trailer.
Micro quadcopter tracking trajectory using repetitive control: Video shows a small quadcopter tracking a trajectory using repetition.
Feedforward, model-based automatic collision avoidance
Spherical Aerial Terrestrial Robot (ATR)
IPMC actuator as caudal fin propulsor
An IPMC Robotic Fish
Performance comparison between regular Pt and Pt + Au electrode IPMCs